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A Dissertation about the ability of Marimba to play transcriptions with a transcription of Bela Bartok's String Quartet no. 5 for Marimba Quartet as an example  












By Yun Ju Pan, D.M.A, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2016.



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Reserch Paper


"All About That Bass" as an example to demonstrate Women's Bodies in the pop music world.  


In the music world, musicians’ stage presentation plays an important role in the possibility of success, especially in popular music ness. The American and Asian society tend to celebrate skinny as a symbol of attractive for women; this leads to the fact that having a skinny body is necessary as a pop female singer. However, in the past few years, more and more female singers introduce the idea of walking through this “rule“ that’s put on women by society, for example, Pink’s “Fuckin” 2010, Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” in 2002, Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda” 2014[1]: they state that women should like how they look, and shouldn’t worry too much about what people think they should look like. In this paper, I am going to talk about this change with an example of the newest Grammy award nominated pop song, “All About That Bass” sang by Meghan Trainor. 


[1] Warwick, Jacqueline, “He Hit Me, and I was Glad”: Violence, Masochism, and Anger in Girl Group Music.” In She’s So Fine: Reflections on Whiteness, Femininity, Adolescence and Class in 1960s Music (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2010,)  106-108.



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By Yun Ju Pan, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2015.

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